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Welcome on the website of the Digital Rosetta Stone Project! Here, you could find out more about the ancient artifact, its contents and how research of it progresses in the digital age. We offer you open access resources, articles, and material for study.

We have been funded by the German Government (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung).

Please visit us on GitHub.

NEWS in 2021:

Special Exhibitions in 2022 in London and Leipzig

Currently, we are involved in two exhibition projects featuring the Rosetta Stone: The special exhibition at the British Museum London (13 October 2022 to 29 January 2023) and the special exhibition at the Egyptian Museum Leipzig in cooperation with the Museum of the Printing Arts Leipzig (ca. April-October 2022). Both will mark the 200th anniversary of the decipherment by Champollion, and focus on different topic. While the exhibition in Leipzig will feature the history of printing hieroglyphs and early Egyptology, the British Museum aims at telling the story of the provenance and aquisition of the stone, as well as contextualizing it in Ancient Egyptian culture.

Digital exhibition

We created a digital exhibition about the Rosetta Stone and our projekt. You can check out both here:

English version:

German version:


Making of:


NEW in March 2020: Depth Map

A depth map of the Rosetta Stone. It is published here:

University of Florida Smathers Libraries Digital Collections (local permalink):

Humanities Commons (DOI permalink):

Qucosa (URN permalink):

Please cite this as: M. Amin, A. Barmpoutis, M. Berti, E. Bozia, J. Hensel, F. Naether, 2018. "Depth map of the Rosetta Stone", under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence

Details: Algorithm: Barmpoutis et al. MVA 21 (6), 2010, pp. 989-998
Iterations: 50
Lighting Directions: 4
Resolution: 81.41 µm (12 DPI equivalent)
Digitization Date: June 28, 2018
Composed by merging 8 depth map segments.


The Digital Rosetta Stone Project Team